Forty years ago parents had a hard time getting their kids to eat vegetables. Now parents have to watch for excessive text messaging at the dinner table. Oh how the times have changed. In the technology era, kindergarteners still have their nursery rhyme reading time, but after their parents pick them up and bring them home they sign on to their favorite online game. Business men and women are served their morning coffee while they sign onto their Blackbury. But is the newspaper thought of, or picked up, let alone read?
As we all know, the internet has taken away from the newspaper business, and the nightly news usually covers the next day headliner. But the convenience and reliability of the medium maintains the importance of the newspaper in a democratic nation. Also, aesthetically, neswpapers prevail over the virtual reporting found through the touchless internet world.
Art Silverblatt wrote that bloggers can cloak themselves and reincarnate as often as a video game character. In that respect newspaper differs from video games. Journalists writing for a local newspaper are often looked at with familiarity, which allows the reader to understand the journalist rhetoric, which allows the newspaper to gain credibility in the community. The domino effect is the reason newspapers will always be around as a source of news.
Ashley wrote about generation gap and the immediacy of the internet. Though these aspects of daily interaction may be apparent, the value of the newspaper is just as or more apparent in the eyes of the citizens in our democratic society.
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