Wednesday, November 11, 2009

down with the newspaper

I remember a long time ago when the newspaper was read by everyone young and old whenever we needed wanted to know what was going on in the world. We cut down so many trees just so we could know what was happening around us. And to "keep it real" most people don't recycle so after we read the paper we through it out instantly.
When it comes to technology i am always the first to say that the world is moving at too fast of an pace and that i see the time of the robots taking over coming soon, but in this case i think digitally displaying the news since it is saving millions of trees and causing less waste. it also forces some people to become smarter and stay up with today's trends. Since most factories are closing down or building robots to do the labor, it forces people to go back to school in order to make ourselves employable again.
Personally speaking, the internet makes all aspects of life faster and more efficient. Why should i walk (or drive if I'm feeling lazy) all the way to the gas station to read the employment and sport sections of the newspaper, when i can just start my laptop and go to, or
When i comes to the death or the newspaper, I'm for the idea of putting a once great news invention to sleep, the same way we did the VCR and the portable CD player.

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